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Going on Vacation - Part Seven

Posted on Tue Dec 31st, 2024 @ 4:20pm by Commander Xaelah Di'Tomasso

Mission: Mission 120: All Along the Watchtowers - Part Two
Location: Various Locations - USS Vanguard
Timeline: 1845Hrs - February 2nd, 2394

Di'Tomasso considered it. "Sometimes I find peace and quiet in listening to music... sometimes random music and reading literature from various worlds." she paused. "Braelynn has been asking me to consider getting a pet."

"That would be a wonderful start." Drevas smiled widely. "I love reading myself! Is there a particular genre you enjoy the most?"

"There are a few Terran writers who are good. Most Andorian works I've read tend to boil down into three groups. war, sex or a mix of the two. It's rather boring really." Di'Tomasso explained. "When they have sex, someone's going off to war... I mean, really."

Drevas chuckled. "I've read many of their books myself. Sex and war and battle are common themes, yes." He didn't say that he owned one or two particularly erotic books that he read at his own time - that'd have been utterly inappropriate. "They do have lovely poetry, however. I own many poems by Andorians myself."

"I never said there was anything wrong with love and lust," Di'Tomasso commented. "Just that it gets overrated when it's in every single Andorian tale. Tellerites are all about debate and arguments. Not for me thanks. The Cardassians... They are just repetitive. Ever read the never-ending sacrifice... Thats state-sanctioned propaganda.." she sighed. "If it's not then it should be."

"I've read books from everywhere, including the cultures you just mentioned. I personally think each has its own ups and downs." Drevas commented. "I try to appreciate them all nonetheless. A book is a window into a people and their culture after all. Which Terran writers do you like in particular?"

Di'Tomasso considered it. "Shakespeare isn't bad. Though you almost need a degree in literature half the time with him. Tolkien isn't bad. If you like Medieval fantasy." she paused. "There are a few others who are decent. But with humans, you really have to look as there are literally millions of writers."

"Indeed there are. I'm personally rather partial to Lovecraft and Bathen myself. Especially the latter. I adore her fantasy works, I probably own every book she has ever written to date."

Di'Tomasso raised an eyebrow. "I've never heard of any of those. Most of my knowledge of humanity comes from after their third world war." she paused. "What a ghastly affair, that was..."

"Ghastly indeed. Yet they came off better for it - look at them now!" Drevas remarked. "Sometimes it takes great suffering to bring about great, positive change..." He grimaced then, scrunching up his nose. "...which is not a fact of reality I like."

"My own world of origin could stand to learn some manners... and some lessons from the humans, and a few others," Di'Tomasso answered. "My world is a prime example of what happens when the fates of all are dictated by the few in power."

"To each world its own form of governance. For good or for ill." Drevas lamented, offering her a toast with his drink. "To a better future and better life for all of us?"

"I'll drink to both of those..." Di'Tomasso answered. "To a better tomorrow." she then raised her drink before she drank a mouthful of the contents.

Drevas smiled and downed half his glass before sighing and glancing sideways at her. "Am I making you uncomfortable by being this close to you, emerald beauty?" There was the briefest of mischievous gleams in his eye as he said that. Flattery would win him much, eh? Part of him was curious to find out what.

"No," Di'Tomasso answered after taking a moment to consider it. "If I were uncomfortable. I would not have come," she explained. She smiled. "But I suspect that you seek to know more about Orion women than what's on display," she commented. "I suspect you want something... that's not on the menu..." she added, with a rather evil grin.

"Nothing you won't willingly give," Drevas replied. "This date is about you after all, which means you must feel comfortable doing whatever we do for it to be enjoyable. I promised you one good date and this wouldn't be one without that." He gently folded his much larger, slender hand over hers and lightly squeezed. "Yes?"

The evil grin told him that somehow she wasn't entirely opposed to the unsaid suggestion on her lips.

"You're trying too hard," she whispered while she smiled across at him. "Would you mind answering a question... What are Kelpians like in bed." she inquired directly. "I've heard tales. I wish to separate fact... from fiction. If you don't mind my asking..."

"Passionate. Quite intense." Drevas felt his cheeks warm from the sudden change in her tone. His hand reached over, lightly intertwining his fingers with hers. "Especially the males. Some can't handle us. Some come back for more again and again. The latter usually happens." He smirked then, small but playful. "Or would you like a more hands-on demonstration?"


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