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Fri Jan 31st, 2025 @ 2:45am

Commander Xaelah Di'Tomasso

Name Xaelah Di'Tomasso

Position Assistant Chief Medical Officer

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Orion
Age 35
Birthdate 16th September, 2358
Birthplace Slums - Orion

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1
Weight 160lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Purple
Physical Description Xaelah stands in at just over six feet in height, she stands tall and proud. She is by all accounts a beautiful woman to look at.
She can fit into any crowd on any one of fifty worlds. Xaelah is the kind of can blend in and disappear almost at will.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Colonel Robert Di'Tomasso - Commanding Officer, Starbase 67
Mother Commander Rachael Di'Tomasso - Chief Medical Officer, Starbase 67
Brother(s) Biological: None
Adopted: Nathan Di'Tomasso

Married: Jorge "Noble Six" Sinclair-Di'Tomasso - Brother in law - Married to Mikaela
Sister(s) Biological:
Braelynn Di'Tomasso
Natalie Di'Tomasso
Mikaela Di'Tomasso-Sinclair
Esther Di'Tomasso

Janet Di'Tomasso
Ophelia Di'Tomasso

Kerrie Di'Tomasso - Sister in law - Married to Nathan
Other Family Biological: None

Adopted: Many others floating around.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Xaelah Di'Tomasso, just like her three siblings, are all generally laid back but she has never forgotten where she came from or what she used to be. She was a slave and she wears her slave mark proudly. However this also comes with risks as if she is captured by slavers, she will be sent back to her master or she will be abused before being terminated on the spot.

This is a woman who is almost obsessed with sex. Sex with men, women and various transgendered people. If it has two legs, two arms and a heartbeat. She is interested and she isn't choosy either on where the sex will be taking place.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: She always has a smile or a world-weary joke, ready for use at all time. It comes with never knowing how long she has left.

Weaknesses: When someone calls her a 'Cheap Orion Slave Girl.' She gets angry, EXTREMELY angry.
Ambitions To make slavery extinct. Whatever it takes. Wherever she must go.
Hobbies & Interests Guns, Guns and bigger guns. Explosives and weapons of all kinds.
Martial arts and the Art of War.

Personal History Xaelah Di'Tomasso was born the third sibling of Braelynn, Natalie, Xaelah and Azalea. She was born on 16th September 2358, as Xaelah Des'Moi in a slum on the Orion Homeworld, their mother was a prostitute and her father was one of her clients. As such her story was a vile and dark one while she grew up, she was routinely abused and tormented by the other children and even by some of the adults too. Her three younger sisters were more of the same.

All four girls lived in a harsh and brutal world where your looks determined where or not you lived or you died, lorded over by a few rich old men with latinum in their eyes and girls on their minds. The man at the top was known only as 'Togran Feric' and he was rumoured to prefer the attention of girls under the age of fourteen but over the age of ten and he was also rumoured to be sleeping with a new girl every night.

Braelynn Di'Tomasso was forced into prostitution early, sometimes she was beaten and other times she was rewarded then used and abused. Natalie Di'Tomasso was also in the same world of pain and suffering. Sometimes both girls were together when enduring this and sometimes they were apart. The two younger siblings were a little too young for this world of pain.

Esther lost touch with her mother who apparently turned up dead a week later, the victim of a gang rape on Koralis's Southern side. Braelynn had been so traumatized by this point that she finally snapped but she went about getting her revenge in a rather evil way.

Quietly the six gangbangers all ended up dead in rather gruesome ways and yet she was never caught for this, simply because the police decided to declare the entire city as a no-go area and they simply washed their hands of the problem.

Braelynn was able to steal quite a small fortune from these six criminals, one of them was Togran Feric which Braelynn did not mind in the least.

Braelynn was able to liberate a small ship and get off-world, after taking her three siblings with her but not having any ideas on where to go, the four girls simply picked a direction and fled. However for the first time in their lives, luck and fate with her as the USS Dorie Miller appeared out of warp and simply captured the shuttle, all four girls were beamed out before any of them could grab anything, much less their weapons.

The Security Chief was there along with the ships Exec and a few others. Unfortunately, Braelynn suspected a trap and went for the nearest guy to her, she slapped aside this phaser as she crashed into him, knocking him over but she had the sense to grab her as she did so, pulling her onto him as he landed on a heap on the floor with her atop him.

Natalie charged forward a moment later, only to have the Captain stop her, the two younger girls stayed back.

"Calm down... Nobody is going to hurt you." the Chief said to the four girls while Braelyn struggled with him. This caused her to stop in surprise.

"Chief...?" the Captain asked.

"I got this.." as he tossed his phaser to one of the other guys, he simply wrapped the terrified child in a hug as he gently held her. "Easy ladies. I'm Robert Di'Tomasso." and that was how the father would meet his four adopted daughters. A sickbay visit followed and a full-scale investigation launched into the entire affair by order of the ships Captain.

Meanwhile, Di'Tomasso took in these four angry and frightened young girls who had never known anything resembling a stable life before and together with his wife, he showed Braelynn, Natalie, Xaelah and Azalea what stability was.

It took all four young women many months to overcome her habits even as the Di'Tomasso's filled for the adoption of all four. But even that took months and they said there was no guarantee but Robert stuck his foot down angrily. "These four girls deserve some peace... and I will raise them as my own.... with or without your fucking consent."

Captain Dominic Pilla who was the JAG Officer was going to deny it but it was Braelynn who held the final say on the matter, she was asked straight out and she said simply. "Here. I am free... I am free to be myself... to build a future for myself..and I will, but... I will do it here with these people.... who did not need to take me in... yet they did... and I owe them everything I am for their kindness.... they are the one ray of sunshine in a world of black shit.. and you are punishing them for it." Natalie was blunter on the matter but she agreed with her sibling. It was the same with the younger sisters too.

The case was settled the very next day and Braelynn Des'Moi. Natalie Des'Moi. Xaelah Des'Moi and Esther Des'Moi became Braelynn Di'Tomasso. Natalie Di'Tomasso. Xaelah Di'Tomasso and Esther Di'Tomasso. All four girls learned quickly how to count, read and write as they began to turn their attention to their studies before them, both had her siblings looking over them and protecting both from just about everyone around her.

Braelynn bonded quickly with her new siblings. Natalie did likewise. Nathan took the Orion girls under his wings as he was able to show them how to be kids but also that they could be themselves rather than try to be something they weren't. Esther's interests began to manifest themselves quickly during these times in her life. Natalie meanwhile began to bond with Ophelia then anyone else who taught her much the same as what Nathan was teaching Braelynn, it was much the same with the two younger girls.

Xaelah was more interested in computer sciences and she got the chances to learn much from her adopted mother whom Esther and her siblings came to consider their mother in all but biology. Rachael Di'Tomasso taught her new daughters much about how Starfleet worked. Xaelah was more interested in medicine and she got the chances to learn much from her time assisting with matters in the Dorie Millers sickbay after school

When Xaelah graduated high school, her scholastic grades were good enough to allow her and her twin to both go to the academy if they desired. This would permit her to go to the academy and become a Starfleet officer.
Service Record Starfleet Academy, Earth, SOL
2376 to 2380 - Medical Student
Cadet One / Four

Starbase 1923 - Ournal II Class
2380 to 2382 - Medical Officer

USS Polaris - Pathfinder II Class / Renown Class
2382 to 2391 - Medical Officer / Assistant Chief Medical Officer
Ensign / Lt Commander

USS Talos - Century Class
2391 to 2393 - Chief Medical Officer

Starbase Vanguard (47) - Ournal II Class
2393 to Present - Assistant Chief Medical Officer

Dates of Promotions and Demotions:
2376 to 2380 - Cadet One - Four
2380 to 2381 - Ensign
2381 to 2383- Lieutenant JG
2383 to 2385 - Lieutenant
2385 to 2389 - Lt Commander
2389 to Present - Commander