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Going on Vacation - Part Five

Posted on Tue Dec 31st, 2024 @ 4:20pm by Commander Xaelah Di'Tomasso

Mission: Mission 120: All Along the Watchtowers - Part Two
Location: Various Locations - USS Vanguard
Timeline: 1640Hrs - February 1st, 2394

"I want to do my assigned work and then leave. I'm there to do a job which I will see done to the best of my capabilities." DiTomasso mused. "I'm single with no children. Less to worry about at this point in time," she added. "Maybe that will change down the road," she added, with a shrug of her shoulders.

"That's alright as well. You need not feel pressure to change that - or to change the circumstances in which you work. Sometimes making decisions on such things takes time." He responded. "I am curious, however. Have you ever been on a date before?"

Di'Tomasso regarded him with a look. "Not since the academy." she paused. "It didn't end well. He wanted one thing from me." she sighed. "People look at me and they see Orion sex slave." the tall woman then groaned softly. One could tell that this was a very old issue that constantly appeared wherever Xaelah or her siblings went. She hated it, and she made sure everyone else knew that she hated it too.

"Shame." Drevas clicked his tongue disapprovingly. "Some stereotypes still refuse to die. I don't see a sex slave when I look at you at all. I see someone who has endured an incredible amount of hardship to get to where she now is - someone who is more admirable than most of us because of that. Not all of us had to go through hardship before success." Following a brief pause, he admitted, "I would call myself one such person. Which makes you stronger than me by comparison."

Di'Tomasso raised an eyebrow. "I do what I can," she commented. She then sighed softly at the man before her. "Ophelia said the same thing... She encouraged Braelynn and Natalie to get out and see new people." she paused. "Esther and I were so career-focused that she's within range of Exec on a major ship of the line. I'm within reach of Chief Medical Officer on a Starbase. Or maybe even Exec on a Starbase." she then shrugged her shoulders as if to say the matyter was not a great concern to her. "Natalie is Exec of a ship of the line and heading for her own command. It depends on the status of her relationship, assuming that there even is one." she paused. "Maybe Jerome Antilles will suprise me, and maybe he won't either." she then shrugged a second time.

"Meeting new people, for any purpose, is important. As focused on your career as you may be sure you agree with me on that." He replied. "If something is important you make the time for it. Do you agree?" he inquired of her.

"It's always good to get out of the office." Di'Tomasso nodded her head. "Hence why I'm going on vacation. I think ten days of sun and sea might do me some good," she added.

"I hope it will." Drevas nodded, sipped at his drink and was silent for a few moments before asking, "How would you feel if I brought you out on one good, enjoyable date before then?"

"Mmmm." she regarded him. "Well. Challenge accepted," Di'Tomasso answered. "One enjoyable date..." she was not holding out a lot of hope for it but she would take it if she could get it.

Drevas smiles slightly. "How about tomorrow? Meet me on holodeck three, deck twelve. I promise I shall make it worth your while. Dress comfortably - we shan't be doing anything fancy. I'm sure you'd like that."

Di'Tomasso raised an eyebrow. "What time?" she asked. "and... Define: comfortable?" she added

"Eighteen thirty hours. Comfortable? Anything you like, as long as you feel good wearing it." Drevas responded gently.

"Okay. I will be there," she explained. "Maybe it'll be fun." she added. "My luck has been terrible, of late." The Orion female admitted.

"I'll see you then." Drevas smiled warmly. "I won't keep you if you'd like to leave to make preparations."

Di'Tomasso paused. "It's hard to prepare for something that I know nothing about." she mused. "But it has been a long day... I should go get some rest," she commented. She smiled as she regarded the Kelpian before her. "Thanks for a lovely evening. I will see you tomorrow afternoon." she rose to her feet. She picked up her plates and glassware before she ambled over to the replicator. She recycled her dishes in silence before departing the lounge. She wanted a good meal and a good fuck, but one of the two wasn't bad.

Di'Tomasso made her way towards her guest quarters in silence as a thought occurred to her. She was not sexually attracted to Kelpians. That was no fault of Drevas. It was just her preferences getting in the way. However that said, she had nothing against a good shag. If that was what he wanted then she would give it to him.


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