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Differing Kinds of Mercy - Part Five

Posted on Mon May 30th, 2022 @ 5:52am by Commander Victoria 'Enyo' Yamaguchi & Lieutenant Commander Alexandra Harrison & Lieutenant Fred Noonan & Lieutenant Kadian Paris & Lieutenant Penthesilea "Ilea" Rohr & Lieutenant Taselle Dragon & Lieutenant JG Suvak Duval & Lieutenant JG Tienn Halaar & Master Chief Petty Officer Benjamin Kuuztin & Senior Chief Petty Officer T'Paaru & Fleet Master Chief Petty Officer Julian Antilles & Ensign Paul Harrison & Lieutenant Penny Yeager

Mission: Mission 114: Be All My Sins Remember'd
Location: Various Locations - USS Pembo
Timeline: 0940Hrs - November 8th, 2393

Yamaguchi emerged from the ready room. Kuuztin followed in silence. She noticed that all of her senior staff except one were already all present and were ready to go but in truth. Yamaguchi did not mind if her CHief Engineer skipped this mission planning session as she had larger fish to fry.

Yamaguchi smiled as she looked around at the rest of the bridge. She then went over to the table at the back of the bridge. Yamaguchi quickly called up one file and she watched it display as a holographic display on the table in a full three-dimensional display. Yamaguchi looked around as the turbolift opened as the large Cardassian Chief Engineer arived. "Sorry, I'm late skipper." Dragon commented as she let out a soft sigh.

"Thank you everyone for coming," Yamaguchi answered. She was not overly concerned if anyone was late as she knew her Chief Engineer was overloaded with work and most of the crew were assisting with repairs. "Alright. This is the Halanan medical station located on the third planet in the system. My goal here is a simple smash and grab." she looked around at the assembled gathering. "I want to make sure we disappear from their sensors so we can approach without being molested. I also want to be able to overwhelm them and cripple them without too much delay." she paused. "I know a ground team will be required to go down planetside. Storm the facility and then take what we need... Since we won't have time to sort anything out. I want to lift their entire datacore and gave the guys back at Vanguard sort it out." Yamaguchi paused. "Questions?"

"Skipper?" 2nd Lieutenant Jasmine Connor-Yamaguchi inquired. "I don't mean to speak out of turn... But with due respect. The getaway car is missing a wheel..."

"We are working on it." Dragon answered. A loud sigh came a moment later. "I can't be everywhere at once. Fates curse it." That was when everyone started talking over everyone else, it was all rather sudden and it was suprised to everyone in the room.

"Okay. Quiet down..." Yamaguchi commented. "Quiet down people... We got enough problems without making things worse with sniping at each other." as she glanced around. "Lieutenant Connor. You will be leading the strike team planetside. Your mission is simple. I want the facility's primary datacore. I do not care overly much how you do it..." she paused as she had forgotten enemy sabotage and other exotic measures they might take to prevent said actions. "Failing that then I want all data from this facility. As I said before. I don't care how you do it."

Connor-Yamaguchi paused a moment. "What are my rules of engagement.?" She wanted this to be specific from the woman who looked almost identical to her biological mother. This woman looked so much like Celeste Yamaguchi-Hobbs that it was downright eerie but this woman thought nothing like Celeste. Connor-Yamaguchi very quickly realized that this was a woman who had been moulded by warfare rather than the peace her mother had known.

"You are free to use any measures you deem needed El-Tee. However, I want no prisoners. They will cause us no end of issues... So stun anyone you meet. Try not to kill anyone but I'll understand if fatalities do happen." Yamaguchi explained in simple terms. "After all, they have tried to kill us all several times now."

It was at that point that Lieutenant Fred Noonan spoke up. "Umm... skipper. I assume you want for security to go along?"

"I would prefer it. Yes." Yamaguchi answered. "You'll operate mostly in a supporting role to the marine force. You'll secure their landing site so they have somewhere to attack from and somewhere to retreat to," she commented.

Noonan nodded his head. "Understood skipper."

Yamaguchi turned to the Cardassian female engineer. "Whats our repair situation look like?" she asked. "Can we pull this off without too much more damage?"

"We have gotten our shields working again. I should have limited phasers for you in about an hour... But we now have full use of our missile launchers. Also, the replicators are fully operational again so we can make reloads... But you'll have to wait for about fifty percent longer than otherwise... It's because we're still having power supply calibration issues to work out. That will be resolved in about two hours..." the Cardassian female let out a soft wheeze. "There is one problem..."

"What's that?" Yamaguchi asked.

"Comms. We have no way to call for help... The Pembo's internal com system is almost totally fried... I won't be able to fix it outside of a Starbase... We simply have too much damage to the section of the ship in question. I'd need a week to get in there and tear out what's left before I can fabricate what I'd need to replace it."

"Do we have any of our shuttles?" Kuuztin asked directly.

"We do. I've presently rigged shuttle one for use as our new temporary com system. You'll have a six-second time lag but it'll work... At least until we can get back to Vanguard... This brings me to my other piece of good news... Our slipstream drive is now working again... But I need more time to run more tests on the drive... I'll have more word for you in about six hours time..."

"Okay," Yamaguchi responded. "Whats our shields look like?"

"I can get you nearly sixty percent for all facings... " Dragon paused. "If they hit either nacelle... We will take heavy damage..."

Tienn Halaar understood this issue, all too well. "Then I'd best be on my toes... Make sure we don't get hit..."

Yamaguchi slowly nodded her head. "Alright. We all got work to do." she turned to Smith. "One last thing, I need you to rig up some kind of jamming system to prevent the medical station from calling for help before we attack. Because once we start this. Help will be quick in arriving and I don't need to tell you about the rest of it." she paused. "End of speech... Let's go to work people."


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