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Changing of the Guard - Part Five

Posted on Fri Mar 6th, 2020 @ 8:19pm by Division Admiral Jango'tat Nesbis & Lieutenant Colonel John "Hammer" Burgoyne & Lieutenant Commander Calliope Pravdin-Burgoyne

Mission: Mission 67: In The Service of Life and the Living
Location: Various Locations - USS Courageous
Timeline: 1015Hrs - March 1st, 2392

Commander Jango'tat Nesbis was heading to his destination before his shuttle departed in an hour, he was heading for Watchman Station because he was taking over command of the Special Forces Unit based on the starbase, his assignment took effect in three days time which meant he was pressed for time.

He reached his destination before he tapped the door chime. The voice responded from within over some music playing "Its open!" called Burgoyne added. "Computer, pause playback." and the song called 'Starman by David Bowie that was playing was suddenly silenced.

Nesbis tapped the door release, the doors parted as if on command and he walked into the Majors office, it was spartan and was functional but clearly didn't show much of the man himself. "Commander Nesbis. Whats up?"

"I'm leaving for Watchman Station in less then an hour... I was asked to brief you on the particulars of your assignment as my successor." he explained.

"Sounds good. Would you care for something to drink?"

"Sure.. Icewater please."

Burgoyne went to the replicator and ordered two glasses of ice cold water before he handed one of then off to Nesbis. "So. You will have forty eight special forces guys and gals assigned to your command, use them in any matter you deem fit, they are broken down into squads of four apiece. Thats ten squads and the rest of the guys are the Headquarters element, They will handle the paperwork and the running of the unit."

"Sounds rather straightforward to me. I shouldn't have any issues with any of this." Burgoyne responded. "Am I relocating to any ship or am I remaining here?"

"You'll probably remain here as you are commanding the Marine force on the Courageous." Nesbis explained. "So.. with that in mind I hereby promote you to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, effective right now." as he produced the new rank insignia and handed it to Burgoyne. "Congratulations Lt Colonel Burgoyne."

"Thank you." Burgoyne responded with a smile. "I will look after things and the troops that you are leaving with me."

"Yes, you will also have one special attachment to your unit. Commander Plataea Unal." Nesbis explained. "She is identical to Captain Yamaguchi in all respects including her looks however she is stronger psionicly then Torilla and she's also much more muscular then Torilla... So don't challenge her to an arm wrestling contest. It'll be interesting either way."

Burgoyne smiled. "I might do it anyway.. Just to see how she is.."

"A word to the wise... Don't.. I tried and she mopped the floor with me." Nesbis explained, a wide smile on his face. "She might look like your skipper... but she's not Torilla... Don't ever confuse them."

Burgoyne nodded his head. "Sounds good." he responded evenly. "Is there anything else?"

"Nope." Nesbis finished his water before he slid the glass back onto the replicator, he then tapped the recycle button. "Thanks for the drink." and with that he shook hands with Burgoyne. "Good luck and take care of yourself alright?"

"I'll do that. You do the same." and with that Burgoyne watched as Nesbis took his leave in silence as Burgoyne sat down behind his desk.
"Computer resume music." and David Bowie's voice resumed singing to him as earlier. Burgoyne reached for his own collar with the left hand before he replaced his rank insignia that designated him as a Major was replaced by Lt Colonel insignia.

"Computer halt playback again." The music was for the second time in twenty minutes silenced as Burgoyne tapped his combadge. "Burgoyne to Pravdin?" he contacted his wife. "You got a few minutes?, can you talk?"

"Go ahead?" responded a female voice. "Sure.. I have time.." she added in a playful manner. "What can I do you for?" Calliope Pravdin was presently sitting in the Sickbay cafeteria as she did paperwork while had her morning break, she knew her husband was calling because he had purpose and not because he was calling to check on her or bug her, he wasn't the type to waste energy like that.

"Now who's teasing?" Burgoyne smiled as he sat back. "I recall you asking m... or was it demanding that I not hit on you when you were on duty?"

"I do recall making that request.... Yes." Pravdin responded. "But then you so seldom call... I at times feel neglected and unwanted by my husband..."

"Shocking." Burgoyne responded. "Very well.. I wanted to let you know.. I just got promoted to Lt Colonel and will have to do more work for my sins..."

"Oh thats fantastic!" Pravdin smiled, her cheer could be heard over the com system. "I didn't think you were chasing it.."

"I wasn't... I had no problems with remaining as a Major.." Burgoyne responded with a smile. "Anyway. I wanted to let you know the news.. So you have sometime to enjoy..."

Calliope grinned as she decided she was going to celebrate in her own way. "I appreciate that... Are you working late?"

"Oh probably. I need to talk to a bunch of people in addition to my regular workload. What can I say.. the Devil's hands are never idle."

Calliope's grin only widened, becoming almost evil and feral. "Oh okay... Sounds good to me." as she mentaly began plotting of how best to celebrate her husbands promotion, in this case with a lot of sex.


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