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Fri Jan 31st, 2025 @ 2:46am

Captain Kalandra "Kassie" Paris

Name Kalandra "Kassie" Paris

Position Executive Officer

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Pandoran
Age 45
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual
Birthdate March 9th, 2348
Birthplace Unknown - Recovered by USS Golden-Gale - Excelsior class

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6
Weight 130lbs
Hair Color Dark Blonde
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Tall with a curvy build. Kassie Paris really stands out as someone who looks much younger then she actually is. Her build is strongly muscled but she doesn't look it. Quite athletic, and has a sense of balance that is wonderful. Ambidextrous.


Spouse Captain William Paris - Commanding Officer, USS Ambassador
Children Sons:
Cadet Fourth Class Julian Paris - Twenty-one years old
Cadet Fourth Class James Paris - Twenty-one years old

Lieutenant Kadian Paris - Medical Officer, Starbase Vanguard
Cadet Third Class Heather Paris - Twenty years old
Stephanie Paris - Fifteen years old
Nicole Paris - Fourteen years old
Unnamed - Unborn, Miscarried
Father Biological: Unknown - Assumed Deceased
Mother Biological: Unknown - Assumed Deceased
Brother(s) One her side: None

On Her Husbands Side: Ryan Paris - Civilian
Sister(s) On Her Side: None

On Her Husbands Side: Natalie Paris - Civilian
Other Family Pets and Companions:
Darkness - Male, Alpha Centaurian Wildcat
Ice-Raven - Female, Alpha Centaurian Wildcat

Personality & Traits

General Overview Kassie Paris started out as a hard ass but she has since mellowed out over time. Now she has a playful almost mischievous nature and a very big sense of humor, something she considers a must when she's dealing with multiple children of various ages, from adults to toddlers. She's easy to get along with but considering she has more then a few children, she doesn't waste her time with fools or ass kissers.

Her eyes, which are normally an emerald green, vary in the shade of green, from the emerald green when she is in her usual temperament to jet-black when she's really ticked off. Learnt a wide range of languages fluently: English, Russian, German, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, French and Spanish being the ones only from Earth. She learns other languages very quickly, and keeps them in memory permenently. She is currently working on Vulcan, Cardassian, and umpteen others.

She moves with deadly grace that was inborn into her by training and tragedy when she is agitated or otherwise, otherwise she moves with a cat-like grace.

Kassie is quite friendly much of the time, and tends towards being very nice to those that need it or not, she is calm, collected, and almost always in a good mood. It takes a lot to annoy her, and if one can suceed in getting her mad then she either calms herself down in a snap or one will be in pain for a fair while and Kat will be appoligising for it for ages.

Kassie doesn't like hurting people, but when push comes to shove she will do it, and with great efficiency too. She has good looks in spades, and her personality has nigh upon nothing lacking. Most people just do not understand her in the least.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: She is highly pragmatic and practical. She is highly dedicated to her craft, that of the Engineer and to her family.

Weaknesses: She doesn't like having her time wasted.
Ambitions To be a good parent to her children, a good grandmother to her grandchildren when they come and to be a good wife to her husband. Everything else is almost unimportant except her ship and crew.
Hobbies & Interests This is a woman who will try anything once with anyone.

Personal History Her odd life started by being found by a starship Captain. Her vessel previous to the Golden-Gale is unknown to her. She was raised as the Captain's daughter until she was 16 when she was informed of her known lineage and then promptly went to Starfleet academy. Her foster father was killed in a fight against unknown ships, where they were terribly outnumbered and it ended up with the entire ship and all hands being destroyed. Ever since she has been terrified of losing more people that become close to her or she to them, so she tries to avoid getting close to anyone, for fear of them being killed or hurt because of her.

She is more of a lone wolf in spirit, rarely socializes unless ordered to but even then it's a gamble as to whether she obeys or not. Deadly if you either push her or if you were to threaten her or any of the people that she works with, let alone trusts. Has a ferocious temper that she usually keeps under rein.

She is currently very, very in love with and attached to William Paris who she met while at the academy, their relationship was a long one with some rather strange beginnings. They both ended up being put through a rather intense holodeck simulation that went awry when the system malfunctioned. This was not told to either her or William because it would cause more issues then it would resolve.

This situation was something that they have yet to figure out what it was or what caused it. They ended up in the same place and quickly were defending each other from the perils found there. From nearly the beginning, 1/4 of the way in, Kalandra had found herself falling in love with him, William about 1/4 in as well but it took until about a third of the way through their adventure for the both of them to start showing it. The feelings rapidly grew from then on and they were pretty close by the end of the adventure.

Upon getting out of the Hell-World they awoke to find themselves both in William's room, in his bed, confusing Kat a slight bit for a moment, but she settled in quickly as she realized that William was with her.

When they awoke again in the morning, they were still the only 2 awake, and the Viper was on a collision course with a Ferengi cruiser. The 2 ships collided, no matter what they tried it all failed. Just before the ships collided, they fled, seeing that they could not stop it. Kalandra was quite rattled by seeing the ships destroyed and Will decided upon Risa for their vacation spot.

Soon to be found by both a Romulan Battle Cruiser and a Federation Defiant-class ship, they, unfortunately, were taken in by the Romulans and had to fight their way through it before the USS Iron Duke got ahold of their signals and took them aboard. She was soon posted to the USS Peerless where she began having the first four of several children. One of those children was one that she would miscarry, tragically. She was reassigned to Earth Spacedock because she was with a family and they had nobody else to take them in, so Kassie handled matters alone while her husband fought the Dominion War.

In early 2382. Kat was assigned to the USS Relentless as their Chief Engineer, she rapidly made a name for herself aboard that vessel for an officer that could handle herself in any situation.

she was quickly promoted to the rank of Lt Commander but was suddenly reassigned to help shakedown the USS Valley Forge when that ship underwent her flight trials, things proceeded well for her there as she was promoted to Commander and was made Second Officer of that ship.

She made her home for over a year aboard USS Valley Forge alongside her husband William Paris.

Over the next several years the two ended up being assigned together simply because Commodore and later Admiral Paul Antilles requested the two for his command, both came with an impressive set of credentials between them which was enough for Paul Antilles.

in 2386, when William Paris was promoted to become the Executive officer of the USS Ambassador, she in turn was promoted to become the Exec of her own ship, the USS Thor. Here she served and served well until 2390 when she was promoted to gain the rank of Captain and her own command, the USS Tribal. Unfortunately, it didn't last, especially after starfleet implemented Protocol Two-Nineteen. This meant she had to seek reassignment to a facility so she could raise her children.
Service Record Medals and Awards:
Academy Bar
Cochrane Medal of Excellence
Grankite Order of Tactics - Silver Swords
Commendation of Loyalty
Act of Distinction Commendation
Starfleet Service Award
Expert Marksmanship
Combat Merit with five clusters
Red Crest
Act of Kindness
Wounds Ribbon with three clusters

Battle Ribbons:
Klingon Cluster
Cardassian Cluster
Borg Cluster
Dominion Cluster
Dominion War Ribbon
Breen Cluster
Battle of Sector 001
Breen Cluster
Battle of Toros III
Battle of Tyra
Battle of Vulcan I and II
Operation: Return
Battle of Benzar
Battle of Chudala
Battle of The Bolian Front
Battle of Chin'toka
Liberation of Benzar
Battle of Earth
Liberation of Betazed
Battle of Getha
Battle of Cardassia
Cardassian Occupation Ribbon

Service Record.

Starfleet Academy - Earth, SOL
2364 to 2368 - Engineering Student
Cadet One - Four

USS Odyssey - Galaxy Class
2368 to 2370 - Engineer
Ensign / Lieutenant JG

USS Saracen - Akira Class
2370 to 2373 - Engineer
Lieutenant JG

USS Peerless - Ambassador Class
2373 to 2375 - Engineer

Earth Spacedock - Ournal II Class
2375 to 2377 - Engineer

USS Viper - Miranda Class
2377 to 2378 - Chief Engineer
Lt Commander

USS Relentless - Pathfinder II Class
2378 to 2386 - Chief Engineer
Lt Commander/ Commander

USS Thor - Akira Class
2386 to 2390 - Executive Officer
Commander / Captain

USS Tribal - Century Class
2390 to 2393 - Commanding Officer

Starbase Vanguard Ground Base - Utgarde IV
2393 to Present - Executive Officer

Dates of Promotions and Demotions:
2364 to 2368 - Cadet One- Four
2368 to 2370 - Ensign
2370 to 2373 - Lieutenant JG
2373 to 2377 - Lieutenant
2377 to 2384 - Lt Commander
2384 to 2390 - Commander
2390 to Present - Captain